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Megaliths in Belgium

In the Flanders lots of megaliths where destructed
Often the destruction was done under pressure of the Church, to efface the old religion, or because the stones disturbed agriculture, sometime simply to be used as building material...
The reminding Belgian megaliths are mostly located in the southern part of the country.




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Several big stones are not recognized as real megaliths by archaeologists, there is doubt about others.
To avoid confusion the difference is marked with following symbols:

Classification stones

'Real megaliths' stones shaped at least 3500 years ago.
The 'Remarkable stones' are dated more recent. It also can be natural stone formations. Marked with 'X'.
'?' is marked when there is doubt about the classification.


Link to map Belgium

Real megalithWéris, near Durbuy, is the best-conserved megalithic site in Belgium. The megaliths of Wéris are reviewed in a separated chapter. (See in Intro)

Standing Stones near the southern dolmen at Oppagne (Wéris)
Standing Stones near the southern dolmen at Oppagne (Wéris)

Belgian researchers

Willy & Marcel Brou can be called the 'godfathers' of the Belgian megaliths.
They investigated en descript all known megaliths and remarkable stones in Belgium.
Their book 'Les mégalithes de Gaule Belgique' (1988) is the most complete guide for megalithic for Belgium. They also describe disappeared stones.
'Les mégalithes de Gaule Belgique' is unfortunately difficult to find.

Edgar Simons, Flemish researcher and author, made some additions and corrections to Brou's work.

AWEM = AssociationWallonne d'Etudes Mégalithiques,

Brou en AWEM = 'Source material' for next pages


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Page published November 6, 2015

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