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On the picturesque Isle Mors only ane of many "jaettestue" or passage tombs remain.

Neessund, Thy - Ferry to the Isle Mors
Neessund, Thy - Ferry to the Isle Mors


Dueholm kloster - Nykobing

This old monastery has a little historical museum. In the rural garden some replica of old graves are exposed.

In the museum-chop toys, bijouterie, old-fashioned kitchen stuff, books, films and many kinds of candy's are sold...

Dueholm kloster - Old grave's replica's
Dueholm kloster - Old grave's replica's



"Thusbjerg", the only remaining megalithic monument on Mors, is situated in the Isle's southwest, near Orndrup-Mark. It lays on private property, behind an old farm. On top of the hill you can have a nice sight on the Limfjord.

Detail map info-leaflet "Mors"
Detail map info-leaflet "Mors"

Thusbjerg - Orndrup-Mark (The entrance in the middle of the hill is hidden by plants)
Thusbjerg - Orndrup-Mark (The entrance in the middle of the hill is hidden by plants)

Thusbjerg - The entrance
Thusbjerg - The entrance

Thusbjerg - In the chamber
Thusbjerg - In the chamber

Thusbjerg - In the chamber
Thusbjerg - In the chamber

A few years some Danish archaeologists restored ago “Thusbjerg”. Following picture of a newspaper-article gives a view on the restoring. The question remains which errors they made. According the habitants of the farm the entrance was on the other side of the hill before restoring (see further).

Restoring Thusbjerg, newspaper-article - 20 November 20, 2010
Restoring Thusbjerg, newspaper-article - 20 November 20, 2010

The habitants of the farm near "Thusbjerg" showed an old aerial-picture of the farm and the grave-mound (left on top). On this picture it is clearly visible that the tomb's entrance is situated on the west side. Why do the archaeologists made the entrance on the east side?

Thusbjerg, left on top this picture
Thusbjerg, left on top this picture



For the landowners of Thusbjerg: Thanks for showing the "jaettestue" and for the information. It was nice to meet you. (Alec)


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Page published November 11, 2015

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