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English pages Emsland (Germany)
Emsland - MapBörgerLahn - Hüven - GroßBerßen - Freren

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From Groß Berßen to Apeldorn

Groß Berßen - Stavern - Apeldorn

The greatest concentration of megalithic tombs is situated in the central part of Emsland.


Groß Berßen

In the area of Groß Berßen still lie twelve megalithic tombs. Some of them are almost disappeared.
The grave called "Wappengrab" (="Crest Grave") served as example for Emsland's crest.

Crest Emsland

Groß Berßen - "Wappengrab"
Groß Berßen - "Wappengrab"

Groß Berßen - Restanten hunebed
Groß Berßen - Restanten hunebed

Nearby you can find the poor remains of four other megalithic tombs. On the road's north side lays the fine tomb "Königsgrab" (="Kings Grave").

The name origin of the rather intact and imposant "Königsgrab" is unknown. Possible this grave got his name referring to the royal measures.

Groß Berßen
 Groß Berßen - "Königsgrab"

About four hundred meter further, direction Klein Berßen, lie the "Hünegrab" called "Im Ipeken" and another few hundreds meters further the tomb of "Ipeken Tannenwald". Near the road Groß Berßen to Sögel lies the "Brutsteene" and direction Lähden the "Deepmoorsteene". Further south near Westerloh is another grave.



In Groß Stavern (Stavern direction Klein Berßen) in a place called "Bruneforths Esch" you can find two nice dolmens. They where set up between 2300 and 1800 B.C. and where used as grave for a long period.

Groß Stavern - "Bruneforths Esch"
Groß Stavern - "Bruneforths Esch"

In Klein Stavern the surprising location "Bei Deymanns Mühle" where lie 4 "Großsteingraben". 

Klein Stavern - "Bei Deymanns Mühle"
Klein Stavern - "Bei Deymanns Mühle"

Nearby is a graveyard called "Hügelgräberwäldchen" where are 20 uninvestigated and undated grave-mounds. Probably they originate Bronze Age (1600-1300 B.C.).



"Der steinerne Schlüssel", a little dolmen that lost his middle's capstone, is situated just out of the village, direction Meppen.

Apeldorn - "Der steinerne Schlüssel"
Apeldorn - "Der steinerne Schlüssel"


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Page published November 8, 2015

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