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Hunebedden Drouwen

In Drouwen, near Borger, some remarkable hunebedden...

D26 - Drouwenerveld

The side stones of hunebed D26 are almost completely hidden under the sand, what gives this 'monstrous' hunebed a low appearance. The surrounding of the disappeared cover hill is still visible.

D26 - Drouwen
D26 - Drouwenerveld


Archaeological research in 1968 and 1970 uncovered remains of 160 pots, stone weapons and tools. The complete 'furniture' coming from D26, a unique collection is exposed in the "Hunebedcentrum" in Borger.


D19 and D20 - Drouwen

These twins, only separated 14 meters from each other belong to the 'middle sized hunebedden'.
Excavations under D19 uncovered remains of 400 pots, 13 flint axes, 9 barn stone pearls, 6 pieces cupper and human remains.
This makes D19 one of the few hunebedden containing human remains... (Source:

D19 (in front) and D20 - Drouwen
D19 (in front) and D20 - Drouwen

After restoration D19 once again is covered by five of his eight original capstones.

D19 - Drouwen
D19 - Drouwen

D20 - Drouwen
D20 - Drouwen

D20, the smallest twin-hunebed, supported only one of six capstones until 1998, now again five. The ring of kerbstones is almost completely intact but the hunebed self is collapsed...


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Page published November 6, 2015

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