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English pages Nord-Pas-de-Calais (France)
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On this page:
: "La Danse des Neuches" , Wimmereux ?
Remarkable places: "Cap Blanc Nez" ; "Guémi" ; "Cassel"

Kaart Nord-Pas- de-Calais



"La Danse des Neuches" (Dance of the Wedding Guests)
This overgrown stone circle is difficult to approach, to bad the only megalithic monument in this area is so neglected...

"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord
"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord

"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord
"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord

"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord
"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord

"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord
"La Danse des Neuches" - Landrethun-le-Nord

According a legend the stones are petrified wedding guests once dancing here.
Disrespecting a passing burial procession they where changed in to stones...

Map Landrethun-le-Nord



In the dunes on the coast near "La Pointe de Oies" in 1930 a passage tomb was discovered.
It was profound investigated in 1979. The 4 meter large and 1m80 wide burial chamber is formed whit 6 stones.
Archaeologists found the remaining of 6 persons, flint tools and pot fragments.
The human remains included 1 child, 3 adults and 2 elder persons, may be it was a family grave.
(Source: "Histoire des provinces françaises du Nord", p.23) 


Cap Blanc Nez

On top Cap Blanc-Nez, the most markedly point on the coast near Calais doubtless visited since ancient times,
a spectacular panoramic view. When the whether is good the white cliffs at Dover and Folkestone (!) are clearly visible.

Cap Blanc Nez
Cap Blanc Nez

We can wonder what once stood or happened where a modern obelisk (war monument) now is marking the place. 
From here it would be possible to communicate whit England by light- and smoke signals...

Cap Blanc Nez - View on the white cliffs of Dover (England)
Cap Blanc Nez - View on the white cliffs of Dover (England)

In the back of Cap Blanc Nez is dominating the slightly higher hill "Mont Hubert". On this hill a wide and spectacular view in all directions, the cliffs of Dover oversea, and a sight on the "French-Flemish-hills", like Mont Cassel over land.


Guémi - "Chapelle Saint-Louis"

Also here an impressive panoramic view…
In bright whether conditions a view on Cap Blanc-Nez and the Belgian coast till the Schelde* broad! (*Scald) 
Here also a good view on the Flemish hills. A strategic almost magic place...

Guémi - "Chapelle Saint-Louis"
"Chapelle Saint-Louis" - Guémi

"Chapelle Saint-Louis" - View on the Flemish plain
"Chapelle Saint-Louis" - View on the Flemish plain

Map Guémi


Mont Cassel

Cassel is a village on a big hill dominating the plain country, an archaic attractive place whit a surprising panorama.
From Mont Cassel the nearby Mont des Cats is clearly visible...

Panoramic view on Mont Cassel
Panoramic view on Mont Cassel


Colourless maps for printing: Maps Nord (pdf)


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Page published November 6, 2015

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