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Megaliths in Bretagne, France


Bretagne still has thousands of megaliths. The biggest concentration is situated in the area called 'Morbihan' (Example Carnac).

Map remarkable megaliths in Bretgne


Megaliths in Morbihan

Very special is the "Gavrinis Cairn" (+- 3500 B.C.), on an isle in the Morbihan Gulf. This tomb is decorated with beautiful gravures. 
Locmariaquer also is a 'hot spot': Table des Marchand, Grand Menhir, Dolmen des Pierres Plates...
The alignments of Carnac (+- 2700 standing stones) are very crowded but a must to see.
The alignments in Kerzhero (1129 standing stones) are less visited.

Naer Redon the megaliths of Saint-Just are a very interesting site.


North- and West-Bretagne

The "cairn du Barnenez" (north coast) is one of the world's oldest monuments (+- 4500 B.C.). Barnenez was used as burial place during 2500 year!

Naer Brest, in Plouarzel, de highest (still standing) megalith: the "menhir de Kerloas", 11-metres high.
The other giant
, +- 9 meter, is the "Menhir du Champ-Dolent", in the norteast.

Menhir de Kerloas
Menhir de Kerloas

On the peninsula of Crozon, in the west, are situated the alignment of Lagatjar, near the most beautiful cliffs in Bretagne (Penhir).



In Bretagne's east, near Janzé, stands the imposing 'Roche-aux-Fées', de biggest dolmen in Bretagne.

This imposing 20-meters large masterpiece, 4000 a 4500 B.C., doesn't look as big on pictures as in reality...

Roche-aux-Fées - Bretagne
Roche-aux-Fées - Bretagne

Roche-aux-Fées - Bretagne
Roche-aux-Fées - Bretagne

Roche-aux-Fées - Bretagne
Roche-aux-Fées - Bretagne


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Page published November 21, 2015

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